Tag Archive | birthday

a birthday reflection

This time last year I was so riddled with anxiety to the point that my gift to myself on my birthday was to give myself permission to start smoking again… after having given up almost a year before that. (I shudder at the memory & the warped mentality).

I didn’t want to struggle through my days anymore. And I thought it was my “easy way out”.
What I know NOW is it was simply opening the door to a vicious cycle of generating and feeding this anxiety monster & growing it bigger and stronger within me.

Through a rollercoaster journey around Europe to the UK, from India back home ~ a whole year after that dreadfully weak moment, I have found an inner calm, peace and comfort through a combination of my different weekly practices that frees me from outside influences and stresses ~ a shield of energy which negativity can’t penetrate & simply bounces off. A place where joy and gratitude reside.

I quit smoking 7 months ago and I will never ever pick up a cigarette again. I AM FREE. This is a gift of respect I give to myself and my human form.

》I am grateful for LIFE, for my life, for the privilege of another year and celebrating another birthday.《

I’m grateful for those who have come into my life and taught me a lot…
and honestly, I’m just as grateful for the ones who walked out, they have given me the practice.

I’m grateful to my spirit for being my greatest teacher.

I’m grateful for my inner fire that refuses to go out and … for being a searcher. I’m grateful to the Universe for allowing me to find MORE. (Just a glimpse is enough.)

And although everything is temporary and EVERYTHING is always changing… (The past has left it’s lessons behind and it’s a part of who I am today and the future is just an intention I’ve set of where I may be heading)… I’m grateful for the NOW I have.

It’s in all of us.
The ability to go inward, eliminate negativity, find beauty and a sense of peace & greater, deeper understanding (that I’m not yet able to but words to).
It’s not easy, as our already programmed minds WILL fight us, but if you have the longing and the courage ~ you’ll see it through and cultivate the discipline to maintain this lighter and higher level of consciousness.

This is my gift to myself (via Universal intervention) and through me to you…
All I want to do is share it ~

Let’s all do that.

Thanks for reading ♡
Love & Light


  P.S Thank you Universe.